Photography & Creative Direction - Dean Ryan McDaid

Words - Tajinder Hayer

Styling - Tyra Maalow

Grooming - Dan Delgado

Model - Hugh Laughton-Scott

Hugh wears MANGO MAN

Tajinder Hayer: If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Hugh Laughton-Scott: Hmmm, difficult question as this tends to change with the seasons  but if I really had to choose I would say my Anderson & Sheppard 12-ply cashmere knit which is perfect for London in the Winter. I would probably wear that with a pair of Levi’s 501s but the older cut which had a 7 inch hem at the bottom which are slightly more flared than the newer ones.I would finish the look of with a pair of MANGO MAN Chelsea boots.

TH: What's the most cringe-worthy fashion mistake you've ever made?

HLS: It would have to be something that I worn on the catwalk. During one of my first shows my trousers stated to fall down and fell lower the longer the walk went on. I had to waddle the last part of the runway.

TH: What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

HLS: I normally make a coffee and stare at the wall for around an hour. I am really not a morning person.

TH: Can you tell us three must-have items that you always take with you when you travel? 

HLS: Passport (literal but true), my eye-mask, silicone ear-plugs as well as a pair of MANGO MAN aviator sunglasses.

TH: For those that do not know already, what are your go-to pieces from MANGO MAN? 

HLS: I think the knits are very good - crew neck and roll necks are great. The denim is also really high quality. I think you can very easily get all of the essential components of a wardrobe.

TH: Do you have any food guilty pleasures?

HLS: I really like the little American pancakes, in the oven with a spot of dark chocolate. I’m living in New York at the moment and it is something that I picked up here.

TH: Do you have any hidden talents?

HLS: I can do that thing when you roll your tummy, which is a great party trick.

TH: What’s your favourite city in the world and what makes it so special to you?

HLS: London. I grew up in South London. I think it has everything that there is - in terms of film, art, theatre, fashion and you can see that everyday. It has an edge. I don’t think designers like Alexander McQueen and Vivienne Westwood could have emerged from anywhere else.

TH: Is there a fashion show or event that’s on your career bucket list?

HLS: I would love to walk Prada. I have done many other shows but that one is still to happen.

TH: Do you have a signature fragrance? If so, what is it?

HLS: I use Gucci’s Alchemist Garden which is fantastic. I don’t know whether it is still being made but I hope it is.

TH: What led you to entering the modelling industry? 

HLS: Chicken nuggets! I had no aspirations to be a model but I was having a 20 nugget share box to myself in Oxford Circus when someone came up to me and asked if I wanted to be a model. I was ambivalent at first but I thought I should give it a shot.

TH: Have you ever been given any good advice about modelling? 

HLS: I think the best advice must have been from my sister, who worked in PR and Marketing in 2016. She said that I should take social media seriously and post on it, because it was going to be important in the future.

TH: Is there anything else that you would like to do, aside from modelling? 

HLS: I used to play in bands, and I still play the guitar. I am going to a guitar store today to get a new telecaster. I love Fender guitars. During Covid lockdown I did a lot of coding, which I had studied at university. I ran a business which created people’s e-commerce stores and custom created them.

TH: How has it been managing a social media presence alongside a full time modelling career?

HLS: I think the key has to be create content that you really like. When I started to focus on making it more interesting for myself it became more engaging. I like being able to create a story with more imagery, and adding music to photos. Also, judge your success on your happiness as opposed to likes and comments.

TH: Who or what is a rakish gent?

HLS: Bill Nighy for sure. He was the first celebrity that I met and I see him sometimes on Savile Row which feels really apt for a rakish gent. He seem to know a lot too. I remember watching an interview with him on the width of lapels. He knows his stuff.

See the full feature in The Rakish Gent print Issue 6 - out now.