SPOTLIGHT: Mr Nick Blood

Words - Taj Hayer 

Photography - Michael Shelford 

If you have been watching Close To Me on Channel 4 over the last few weeks, you will already know all about Mr. Nick Blood. Best known for his role in Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as Lance Hunter, the rakish actor has been a permanent fixture on our TV screens over the last few years, having appeared in Trollied, Strike, Babylon, Spike Island and the excellent Euphoria (for which he will return for the second season next year). 

Aside from being incredibly busy working as an actor, Nick is also developing a short film and television series. Phew. For now, we thought it was a good idea to find out more about him, and about his role in Close To Me.

Tell us about the character that you play in Close To Me

Thomas is a big fish in a small pond, a wannabe local celebrity if you will. He likes to give the impression he doesn’t care what anyone thinks about him but no one spends that much time on their appearance unless they really do care.

He’s dating Jo’s daughter and has little regard for social etiquette - he loves to chuck what Michael (director) describes as ‘social hand grenades’ into the room, much to Rob’s chagrin, which is exactly what made him fun to play.

What was it about this show and this character that made you interested in being part of it?

Thomas says whatever is on his mind and then sits back to watch the disaster unfold. I think we all like the idea of saying and doing whatever we want now and then. It can be exhilarating. So there’s that, plus I enjoyed prancing around in his Cuban heels and jewellery. As for the show itself, I love the mystery element. The fact that the audience are uncovering the truth along with Jo in real time. That always makes for good TV. 

Are there any scenes that stand out for you when you look back?

I’d have to say the dinner table scene when Jo meets Thomas again for the first time. It’s so incredibly awkward and was a lot of fun winding up Christopher Eccleston’s character Rob. I’m sure every dad in the country can relate to him at that point of the story. 

You started to take acting seriously at rather a young age. Was there anything specific that happened or influenced you?

It was something about the buzz of being on stage in front of a crowd of people - even if it was just a handful of your peers - and making them laugh. It’s as if you’re performing some kind of strange telepathy with the subtext that makes the audience  nod their heads in agreement or recognition.

Were there any actors that you particularly looked up to when you were young?

I’d have happily switched shoes with Macauley Culkin for Home Alone 2

Everything that involves the Marvel universe is treated with such scrutiny. Did you feel any intimidation before commencing work on Marvel’s Most Wanted and Agents of Shield?

Oh yes. I wasn’t fully aware of the level of fandom surrounding Marvel until I started on the show. When people care that much you want to know you’re not letting them down. Thankfully people have been nothing but positive. Although I did get criticized once for my British accent. Which was a surprise, seeing as I’m British. Regardless, once you’re on set in front of the camera all the external hype fades away and you just do your job like you would on any other show. 

If you were in the running for James Bond, what would you do to make the character your own?

Maybe add a little colour to his wardrobe. 

What are you working on now and next?

I’m currently in LA shooting and have a couple of films coming out next year so I’m looking forward to seeing how they turn out. I’m the mean time I want to get one of my own ideas off the ground. Watch this space I guess.

Close To Me is available to watch on Channel 4 now. 

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