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SPOTLIGHT: Mr Henry Ashton

Words - Tajinder Hayer

Photography - Michael Shelford

Grooming - Charlie Cullen

Young actor Henry Ashton is riding high at the moment. He is currently starring in two massive global shows this summer, both of which are highly anticipated. My Lady Jane on Amazon sees Henry as one of the leads – playing the son of Rob Brydon, brother of Edward Bluemel and love interest of Anna Chancellor. If that was not enough, he is also starring in the brilliant A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder which is already receiving rave reviews on BBC and Netflix worldwide. We will not spoil things by telling you any more about Henry’s role in either show, but we will offer the man himself the opportunity to tell us more …

Can you tell us a little about yourself and how you got into acting?

Acting is something I found a love for early on. I was lucky enough to have a really great drama department at my school, I performed in lots of plays and found comfort in the identity of being an actor. Unfortunately though, I would loose this identity when I left school and started work in London. I find so many things in life rely on momentum, and acting is definitely one of them. I lost momentum and didn't act for about eight years, instead I worked lots of random jobs in retail, hospitality, music and fashion. It would be over a pint with a friend that I finally decided that enough was enough, I wanted to act again, and so the next day I applied to drama school. I was lucky enough to get into The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and quickly moved to Glasgow for the next 4 years to study, graduating in 2022. There I picked up my agent and, towards the end of my studies, started auditioning for roles. It's the best decision I've ever made, acting makes me so happy and I can't believe it's now my actual job.

What kind of training did you undergo to prepare for your roles in My Lady Jane and A Good Girls Guide to Murder?

For My Lady Jane it was more becoming familiar with the historical context of the show than preparing to play Stan. I found an understanding with Stan very quickly, I read the script and knew how I wanted to play him. For Good Girl's Guide to Murder I obviously made sure to read the books! It's such a luxury as an actor to have such a rich source of information at your finger tips.

Tell us about your character in My Lady Jane. How would you describe him?

 I play Stan Dudley, and on the face of it, he can be seen as an arrogant, petulant and somewhat entitled man. Often in competition with his brother for his fathers attention, although he would never admit to that. But behind it all, is an extra large heart, a deep sense of loyalty and a desire for love and acceptance. He embarks on a journey of self discovery, becoming a better person, brother and son... and eventually, a bit of a hero.

What was it like working with Rob Brydon, Edward Bluemel, and Anna Chancellor

When I found out Rob was going to play my father, I was both incredibly excited, and unbelievably nervous. I thought, how am I supposed to play this comedic part, next to one of the most celebrated comedic actors there is? It was intimidating. However, we hit it off the first day on set together. He could not have been more welcoming and generous with his time and energy and we quickly got into a groove on camera. I've never seen anyone so good at improvising dialogue, it was honestly such a joy to watch Rob go off-piste during a scene. You never knew what he was going to say, but it was always hilarious. 

 Edward Bluemel, what can I say, the man is cool to his bones. Watching his performance translate to screen is such a lesson in subtlety. He carry's himself with such a confidence and swagger and it just looks unbelievable on camera. He's also an absolute gentlemen, we got on immediately and although we never really looked too much like brothers, we created a solid bond while filming. 

 Anna Chancellor, I was lucky enough to share many scenes with her in My Lady Jane and I spent most of the time in constant awe of her. She strikes the perfect balance between playfulness and precision, and just leaps off the screen with the subtlety of her choices. She's also a lovely person who really cares about other people. There were a few moments of self doubt that I had early on in the process, but she was always there to prop me up with a kind word and some expert advice. I can't wait to work with her again and learn even more.

Do you have a favourite scene or moment from filming My Lady Jane that you can share with us?

 Nothing quite topped playing the lute at night, by torch light, in the courtyard of Hampton Court Palace. That was so bizarre and a real "How is this my job?" moment. But it was also very special and not something many people get to do, obviously.

Can you describe Max and what drew you to this character in A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder?

I play Max Hastings, a young man, local to Little Kilton. Max comes from privilege and is used to getting his own way. He's confident, wealthy and charming, at least on the surface. Like a lot of people in Little Kilton, he's got secrets, but his may be darker than the most.

A Good Girls Guide to Murder already has a huge fan base from the books. How did you approach bringing Max to life in a way that would meet fans' expectations?

There’s always a bit of pressure when you are tasked with bringing a character to life that is known and loved, or hated in Max's case, by an existing fan base. I knew I was off to a good start with Max just by the way he was described physically, it sounded like someone describing me! But, I really wanted to portray all of Max and play him as convincingly as possible. So I really tried build an idea of who he was and his relationships to people around him, hopefully making him a real human, not just a villain. I hope it meets the fans expectations!

Both of these shows are highly anticipated. How do you handle the pressure and expectations that come with such high-profile roles?

It's very exciting, and it can easily be overwhelming. But mostly I am just trying to be present and enjoy the moment! I also have a fantastic support network of loved ones around me. They know me for me, and keep my feet on the ground and head out of the clouds.

What do you hope audiences will take away from your performances in these two series?

 I really hope they see to distinct people. Stan and Max may looks similar and come from privilege, but they are worlds apart. I honestly hope people get whiplash going from one part to the other.

My Lady Jane and A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder are available on Amazon and BBC now.

Follow Henry Ashton on Instagram.